Re: Create Month Over Month Reporting
You may need to convert these to sheet reference ranges but here is a general formula you can use. The idea being you can set the start and end to your range and it will pull the total for everything…1 · -
Re: Formula to check a box if the date in another column is the current month
It's only checking the month. You will want to check both month and year. =IF(AND(MONTH(Created@row) = MONTH(TODAY()), YEAR(Created@row) = YEAR(TODAY())), 1, 0) =IF(AND(MONTH(Created@row) = MONTH(TOD…2 · -
Re: Can I over ride a column formula for some row?
@Lynn Ballas "=1" is checking to see if the check box is checked. Checked = 1 Unchecked = 01 · -
Re: Counting blank cells when other criteria is met
=COUNTIFS(Status:Status, OR(@cell = "In Progress", @cell = "Not Started"), [Target Completion Date]:[Target Completion Date], <TODAY()) + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, OR(@cell = &qu…1 · -
Re: sequential taske formula...Stuck PLS help
Here is a formula for that =IF(AND([Task1]@row = 0, [Task2]@row = 0, [Task3]@row = 0, [Task4]@row = 0, [Task5]@row = 0), 0, IF(AND([Task1]@row <> 0, [Task2]@row = 0, [Task3]@row = 0, [Task4]@ro…1 ·